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How to activate TLS?

You will now activate TLS finally, if all points above are successfully set up. TLS is the protocol that encrypts all traffic to and from your Nextcloud.

  1. Run over CLI:
    sudo bash /var/scripts/
  2. Choose Server Configuration -> Activate TLS
  3. Choose to install TLS
  4. Confirm that you have set up all necessary requirements
  5. Enter your Domain (e.g.
  6. Since you've opened Port 80 and 443 manually, you should skip UPnP (automatic port forwarding)
  7. Wait until everything is set up and enter your mail-address during this step (Your mail-address is needed for contacting you, if a certificate expires)

Now you should be able to access your Nextcloud on any device by opening!

Advices what to do now

It is recommended to activate Two-Factor Authentication for all Nextcloud accounts to further secure them.

  1. Install a 2FA provider app from the app store by opening to with the admin account and searching for two-factor by pressing [CTRL] + [F] on that site and installing a provider that fits your needs. Recommended is the Two-Factor TOTP Provider app.
  2. Log in with all Nextcloud accounts in a browser (this will run some initial scripts for the account setup)
  3. Open with all Nextcloud accounts and activate Two-Factor Authentication with your installed 2FA provider. E.g. by activating TOTP. And don't forget to generate backup codes for all accounts! (Pro-tip: you can safe the backupcodes and the TOTP secret in your password manager if you don't want to install an additional app. Otherwise you should note them down manually at a safe place.)