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How to install Nextcloud?

In order to set up Nextcloud, you should use the scripts from the Nextcloud-VM, since it is the most user-friendly way to set up Nextcloud as far as we know and has many features built-in.

  1. Connect from a PC in the same network to your server over SSH
  2. Copy and paste the following command over CLI:
    sudo lvcreate --size 5G --name "NcVM-installation" ubuntu-vg \
    && sudo lvcreate --size 30G --name "NcVM-reserved" ubuntu-vg \
    && wget \
    && sudo bash --not-latest
  3. Enter your password again
  4. We have prepared a slideshow for you that you can use. Please click here to start the slideshow. Otherwise, just continue with the steps below
  5. Select that you want to make all free space available to your root partition
  6. Choose 1 Disk (Only use one disk /mnt/ncdata - NO ZFS! since 2 Disks is currently not supported by the backup scripts since it complicates things by a lot and doesn't support disk encryption. Additionally you would need one dedicated disk only for that directory.
  7. Wait until everything is installed
  8. Choose Local (DNS on gateway), because then you can choose the DNS server in your router in one place for all your devices
  9. Wait until everything is installed
  10. Choose No if you get asked if you want to change the standard GUI user 'ncadmin' to something else
  11. Wait until everything is installed
  12. Deselect any apps that you don't want to install. (It is recommended to deselect IssueTemplate, Mail & Group-Folders. If you wonder: you will be able to install all those apps manually directly over the Nextcloud GUI if you should ever need them in the future.)
  13. Click OK to reboot your server

Now the initial Nextcloud setup should be done.