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How to install Remotedesktop?

Remotedesktop allows you to connect to a graphical UI hosted on your server.
It allows to use graphical tools directly on your server like viewing files from the backup and also restoring them by copy and paste and more.

  1. Run over CLI:
    sudo bash /var/scripts/
  2. Choose Remotedesktop
  3. Choose to install Remotedesktop
  4. Choose to install the Gnome Desktop
  5. Wait until everything is installed
  6. Now, you should see a menu with available recommended programs. Just press [ENTER] to install all of them.
  7. Wait until everything is installed (you need to confirm that you want to install MakeMKV and OnlyOffice manually)
  8. At last, you should get asked if you want to reboot your server and press [ENTER] to do so.

Here is how to connect you your server via RDP: instructions

audio output

Currently is audio output via RDP not supported!
Because of that VLC will constantly show errors when you open a movie in a Remotedesktop session. You can disable those error messages by opening the VLC preferences (press [CTRL] + [P] in VLC), click on the Audio tab and disable the option Enable Audio. After restarting VLC, the issue should be gone.

pdf files

You can use OnlyOffice in the Remotedesktop session to view PDF files. So just select OnlyOffice to open PDF files if it should mistakenly report that no program is installed to open PDF files!

edit metadata of audio/music files

Here is a good guide how you can use MusicBranz Picard to edit the metadata of your Audio/Music files: click here