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2 posts tagged with "apps"

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· One min read

Pico CMS for Nextcloud combines the power of Pico and Nextcloud to create simple, secure, shareable and amazingly powerful websites with just a few clicks. Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS - making the web easy! You can find more infos about this app here: click here

Here is how to install it on your Nextcloud-NAS (instructions)


· One min read

With Nextcloud 21 there was a new Whiteboard app introduced that makes it possible to collaboratively work on a whiteboard. It integrates Spacedeck whiteboard server and lets Nextcloud users create .whiteboard files which can then be opened in the Files app and in Talk. Those files can be shared to other users or via public links. Everyone having access with write permissions to such a file can edit it collaboratively. Here is how to install it on your Nextcloud-NAS: (click here)

The Extract app is already much longer available for Nextcloud but now as easy as possible to install on your Nextcloud-NAS. (instructions)

Whiteboard app